Source code for pyqstrat.interactive_plot

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# # Interactive Plot
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# # Description
# Allows interactive plotting of multidimensional data
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from __future__ import annotations
import os
import sys
import math
import colorsys
from dataclasses import dataclass
import unittest
import doctest
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
from ipywidgets import widgets
import plotly
import plotly.callbacks
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from typing import Callable, Any
from import Sequence
import traitlets
from pyqstrat.pq_utils import bootstrap_ci, get_child_logger

ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(sys.path[0])
sys.path.insert(1, ROOT_DIR)

_logger = get_child_logger(__name__)

DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS = ['rgb(31, 119, 180)', 'rgb(255, 127, 14)',
                         'rgb(44, 160, 44)', 'rgb(214, 39, 40)',
                         'rgb(148, 103, 189)', 'rgb(140, 86, 75)',
                         'rgb(227, 119, 194)', 'rgb(127, 127, 127)',
                         'rgb(188, 189, 34)', 'rgb(23, 190, 207)']

LineDataType = tuple[str, pd.DataFrame, dict[Any, pd.DataFrame]]
DimensionFilterType = Callable[[
    list[tuple[str, Any]]],

DataFilterType = Callable[[
    list[tuple[str, Any]]],

StatFuncType = Callable[[pd.DataFrame, str, str, str], list[LineDataType]]

DetailDisplayType = Callable[[

PlotFuncType = Callable[[str, str, list[LineDataType]], list[widgets.Widget]]

DataFrameTransformFuncType = Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]

SeriesTransformFuncType = Callable[[pd.Series], pd.Series]

DisplayFormFuncType = Callable[[Sequence[widgets.Widget], bool], None]

UpdateFormFuncType = Callable[[int], None]

CreateSelectionWidgetsFunctype = Callable[[dict[str, str], dict[str, str], UpdateFormFuncType], dict[str, Any]]

[docs] def percentile_buckets(a: np.ndarray, n=10) -> np.ndarray: ''' >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> a = np.random.uniform(size=10000) >>> assert np.allclose(np.unique(percentile_buckets(a)), np.arange(0.05, 1, 0.1), atol=0.01) ''' if not len(a): return np.empty(0) pctiles = np.arange(0, 100, int(round(100 / n))) buckets = np.nanpercentile(a, pctiles) conditions: list[Any] = [] for i, bucket in enumerate(buckets[:-1]): if buckets[i] == buckets[i + 1]: conditions.append(a == buckets[i]) else: conditions.append((a >= buckets[i]) & (a < buckets[i + 1])) conditions.append((a >= buckets[-1])) b = [np.mean(a[cond]) for cond in conditions] ret =, b) return ret
[docs] def display_form(form_widgets: Sequence[widgets.Widget], debug=False) -> None: if not debug: clear_output() box_layout = widgets.Layout( display='flex', flex_flow='column', align_items='stretch', border='solid', width='100%') box = widgets.Box(children=list(form_widgets), layout=box_layout) display(box)
[docs] class SimpleTransform: ''' Initial transformation of data. For example, you might add columns that are quantiles of other columns '''
[docs] def __init__(self, transforms: list[tuple[str, str, SeriesTransformFuncType]] | None = None) -> None: self.transforms = [] if transforms is None else transforms
[docs] def __call__(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: for (colname, new_colname, func) in self.transforms: data[new_colname] = func(data[colname]) return data
[docs] def simple_dimension_filter(data: pd.DataFrame, dim_name: str, selected_values: list[tuple[str, Any]]) -> np.ndarray: ''' Produces a list to put into a dropdown for selecting a dimension value ''' mask = np.full(len(data), True) for name, value in selected_values: if value == 'All': continue mask &= (data[name] == value) values = np.unique(data[mask][dim_name].values) # will sort values before returning them return ['All'] + values.tolist()
[docs] def simple_data_filter(data: pd.DataFrame, selected_values: list[tuple[str, Any]]) -> pd.DataFrame: ''' Filters a dataframe based on the selected values ''' mask = np.full(len(data), True) for name, value in selected_values: if value == 'All': continue mask &= (data[name] == value) return data[mask]
[docs] class MeanWithCI: ''' Computes mean (or median) and optionally confidence intervals for plotting '''
[docs] def __init__(self, mean_func: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] = np.nanmean, ci_level: int = 0) -> None: # type: ignore ''' Args: mean: The function to compute ci for ci_level: Set to 0 for no confidence intervals, or the level you want. For example, set to 95 to compute a 95% confidence interval. Default 0 ''' self.mean_func = mean_func self.ci_level = ci_level
[docs] def __call__(self, filtered_data: pd.DataFrame, xcol: str, ycol: str, zcol: str) -> list[LineDataType]: ''' For each unique value of x and z, compute mean (and optionally ci) of y. Return: x, y data for plotting lines of the mean of y versus x for each z and the data used to compute the mean ''' zvals = np.unique(filtered_data[zcol]) cols = [col for col in filtered_data.columns if col not in [xcol, ycol, zcol]] df = filtered_data[[xcol, ycol, zcol] + cols] ret = [] columns = [xcol, ycol] if not self.ci_level else [xcol, ycol, f'ci_d_{self.ci_level}', f'ci_u_{self.ci_level}'] for zvalue in zvals: df = filtered_data[filtered_data[zcol] == zvalue] plt_data: list[Any] = [] for x, yseries in df.groupby(xcol)[ycol]: y = yseries.values if not len(y): raise Exception(y) mean = self.mean_func(y) if self.ci_level: ci_up, ci_down = bootstrap_ci(y, ci_level=self.ci_level / 100) plt_data.append((x, mean, ci_down, ci_up)) else: plt_data.append((x, mean)) line = pd.DataFrame.from_records(plt_data, columns=columns) ret.append((zvalue, line, df)) return ret
[docs] class SimpleDetailTable: ''' Displays a pandas DataFrame under a plot that contains the data used to compute a statistic of y for each x, y pair '''
[docs] def __init__(self, colnames: list[str] | None = None, float_format: str = '{:.4g}', min_rows: int = 100, copy_to_clipboard: bool = True) -> None: ''' Args: colnames: list of column names to display. If None we display all columns. Default None float_format: Format for each floating point column. Default {:.4g} min_rows: Do not truncate the display of the table before this many rows. Default 100 copy_to_clipboard: If set, we copy the dataframe to the clipboard. On linux, you must install xclip for this to work ''' self.colnames = colnames self.float_format = float_format self.min_rows = min_rows self.copy_to_clipboard = True
[docs] def __call__(self, detail_widget: widgets.Widget, data: pd.DataFrame, debug=False) -> None: ''' Args: detail_widget: The widget to display the data in data: The dataframe to display ''' if self.float_format: orig_float_format = pd.options.display.float_format pd.options.display.float_format = (self.float_format).format if self.min_rows: orig_min_rows = pd.options.display.min_rows pd.options.display.min_rows = self.min_rows with detail_widget: if not debug: clear_output() if self.colnames: data = data[self.colnames] data = data.reset_index(drop=True) display(data) if self.copy_to_clipboard: data.to_clipboard(index=False) if self.float_format: pd.options.display.float_format = orig_float_format if self.min_rows: pd.options.display.min_rows = orig_min_rows
[docs] def create_selection_dropdowns(dims: dict[str, str], labels: dict[str, str], update_form_func: UpdateFormFuncType) -> dict[str, Any]: ''' Create a list of selection widgets ''' selection_widgets: dict[str, widgets.Widget] = {} for name in dims.keys(): label = labels[name] if name in labels else name widget = widgets.Dropdown(description=label, style={'description_width': 'initial'}) selection_widgets[name] = widget for widget in selection_widgets.values(): widget.observe(lambda x: on_widgets_updated(x, update_form_func, selection_widgets), names='value') return selection_widgets
[docs] def on_widgets_updated(change: traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch, update_form_func, selection_widgets: dict[str, widgets.Widget]) -> None: ''' Callback called by plotly when widgets are updated by the user. ''' owner = change['owner'] widgets = list(selection_widgets.values()) owner_idx = widgets.index(owner) update_form_func(owner_idx)
[docs] @dataclass class LineConfig: color: str | None = None thickness: float = math.nan secondary_y: bool = False marker_mode: str = 'lines+markers' show_detail: bool = True
def _plotly_color_to_rgb(plotly_color: str) -> tuple[int, int, int]: ''' Convert plotly color which is a string into r, g, b values >>> assert _plotly_color_to_rgb('rgb(31, 119, 180)') == (31, 119, 180) ''' plotly_color = plotly_color.replace('rgb(', '').replace(')', '') s = plotly_color.split(',') r, g, b = int(s[0]), int(s[1]), int(s[2]) return r, g, b def _lighten_color(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> tuple[int, int, int]: ''' Lighten color so we can show confidence intervals in a lighter shade than the line itself We convert to hls and increase lightness and decrease saturation >>> assert _lighten_color(31, 119, 180) == (102, 168, 214) ''' hls = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r, g, b) light_hls = (hls[0], hls[1] * 1.5, hls[2] * 0.5) rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*light_hls) rgb = (int(round(rgb[0])), int(round(rgb[1])), int(round(rgb[2]))) return rgb
[docs] def foo(name, old, new): import datetime print(f'hello: {} {name} {old} {new}')
[docs] class LineGraphWithDetailDisplay: ''' Draws line graphs and also includes a detail pane. When you click on a point on the line graph, the detail pane shows the data used to compute that point. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, display_detail_func: DetailDisplayType = SimpleDetailTable(), line_configs: dict[str, LineConfig] = {}, title: str | None = None, hovertemplate: str | None = None, debug=False) -> None: ''' Args: display_detail_func: A function that displays the data on the detail pane. Default SimpleDetailTable line_configs: Configuration of each line. The key in this dict is the zvalue for that line. Default {} title: Title of the graph. Default None hovertemplate: What to display when we hover over a point on the graph. See plotly hovertemplate ''' self.display_detail_func = display_detail_func self.line_configs = line_configs self.title = title self.hovertemplate = hovertemplate self.debug = debug self.default_line_config = LineConfig() self.detail_data: dict[Any, pd.DataFrame] = {} self.xcol = '' self.zvalues: dict[int, Any] = {} # trace index by zvalue
[docs] def __call__(self, xaxis_title: str, yaxis_title: str, line_data: list[LineDataType]) -> list[widgets.Widget]: ''' Draw the plot and also set it up so if you click on a point, we display the data used to compute that point. Args: line_data: The zvalue, plot data, and detail data for each line to draw. The plot data must have x as the first column and y as the second column Return: A list of widgets to draw. In this case, a figure widget and a output widget which contains the detail display ''' if not len(line_data): return [] self.detail_data.clear() secondary_y = any([lc.secondary_y for lc in self.line_configs.values()]) fig_widget = go.FigureWidget(make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": secondary_y}]])) # fig_widget.on_trait_change(foo, '_js2py_restyle') # fig_widget.on_trait_change() detail_widget = widgets.Output() trace_num = 0 for line_num, (zvalue, line_df, _detail_data) in enumerate(line_data): x = line_df.iloc[:, 0].values self.xcol = line_df.columns[0] y = line_df.iloc[:, 1].values self.detail_data[zvalue] = _detail_data line_config = self.line_configs[zvalue] if zvalue in self.line_configs else self.default_line_config marker_mode = line_config.marker_mode color = line_config.color if line_config.color else DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS[line_num] hovertemplate = self.hovertemplate customdata = None if hovertemplate is None: unique, counts = np.unique(_detail_data[self.xcol].values, return_counts=True) customdata = counts[np.searchsorted(unique, x)] hovertemplate = 'N: %{customdata}' # number of entries used to compute each x hovertemplate += f' Series: {zvalue} {xaxis_title}: ' + '%{x:.4g} ' + f'{yaxis_title}: ' + '%{y:.4g}' trace = go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, customdata=customdata, mode=marker_mode, name=str(zvalue), line=dict(color=color), hovertemplate=hovertemplate ) self.zvalues[trace_num] = zvalue fig_widget.add_trace(trace, secondary_y=line_config.secondary_y) if line_config.show_detail:[trace_num].on_click(self._on_graph_click, append=True) trace_num += 1 if len(line_df.columns) > 2: # x, y, ci up and ci down fill_color = _plotly_color_to_rgb(color) fill_color = _lighten_color(*fill_color) # we set transparency to 0.5 so we can see lines under the ci fill fill_color_str = f'rgba({fill_color[0]},{fill_color[1]},{fill_color[2]},0.5)' ci_down = line_df.iloc[:, 2].values ci_up = line_df.iloc[:, 3].values ci_trace = go.Scatter( x=np.concatenate([x, x[::-1]]), # x, then x reversed y=np.concatenate([ci_up, ci_down[::-1]]), # upper, then lower reversed fill='toself', fillcolor=fill_color_str, line=dict(color='rgba(255,255,255,0)'), hoverinfo="skip", showlegend=False) fig_widget.add_trace(ci_trace, secondary_y=line_config.secondary_y) trace_num += 1 fig_widget.update_layout(title=self.title, xaxis_title=xaxis_title) fig_widget.update_layout(yaxis_title=yaxis_title) if secondary_y: fig_widget.update_yaxes(title_text=yaxis_title, secondary_y=True) self.fig_widget = fig_widget self.detail_widget = detail_widget self.line_data = line_data return [self.fig_widget, self.detail_widget]
def _on_graph_click(self, trace: go.Trace, points: plotly.callbacks.Points, selector: plotly.callbacks.InputDeviceState) -> None: ''' Callback called by plotly when you click on a point on the graph. When you click on a point, we display the dataframe with the data we used to compute that point. ''' if not len(points.xs): return trace_idx = points.trace_index zvalue = self.zvalues[trace_idx] _detail_data = self.detail_data[zvalue] _detail_data = _detail_data[_detail_data[self.xcol].values == points.xs[0]] self.display_detail_func(self.detail_widget, _detail_data, self.debug)
[docs] class InteractivePlot: ''' Creates a multidimensional interactive plot off a dataframe. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, data: pd.DataFrame, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, transform_func: DataFrameTransformFuncType = SimpleTransform(), create_selection_widgets_func: CreateSelectionWidgetsFunctype = create_selection_dropdowns, dim_filter_func: DimensionFilterType = simple_dimension_filter, data_filter_func: DataFilterType = simple_data_filter, stat_func: StatFuncType = MeanWithCI(), plot_func: PlotFuncType = LineGraphWithDetailDisplay(), display_form_func: DisplayFormFuncType = display_form, debug=False) -> None: ''' Args: data: The pandas dataframe to use for plotting labels: A dict where column names from the dataframe are mapped to user friendly labels. For any column names not found as keys in this dict, we use the column name as the label. Default None dim_filter_func: A function that generates the values of a dimension based on other dimensions. For example, if the user chooses "Put Option" in a put/call dropdown, the valid strikes could change in a Strike dropdown that follows. Default simple_dimension_filter data_filter_func: A function that filters the data to plot. For example, if the user chooses "Put Option" in a put/call dropdown, we could filter the dataframe to only include put options. Default simple_data_filter stat_func: Once we have filtered the data, we may need to plot some statistics, such as mean and confidence intervals. In this function, we compute these statistics. Default MeanWithCI() plot_func: A function that plots the data. This could also display detail data used to compute the statistics associated with each data point. display_form_func: A function that displays the form given a list of plotly widgets (including the graph widget) debug: Dont clear forms if this is true so we can see print output ''' = data self.transform_func = transform_func self.create_selection_widgets_func = create_selection_widgets_func if labels is None: labels = {} self.labels = labels self.dim_filter_func = dim_filter_func self.data_filter_func = data_filter_func self.stat_func = stat_func self.plot_func = plot_func self.display_form_func = display_form_func self.selection_widgets: dict[str, Any] = {} self.debug = debug
[docs] def create_pivot(self, xcol: str, ycol: str, zcol: str, dimensions: dict[str, Any]) -> None: ''' Create the initial pivot Args: xcol: Column name to use as the x axis in the DataFrame ycol: Column name to use as the y axis in the DataFrame zcol: Column name to use for z-values. Each zvalue can be used for a different trace within this plot. For example, a column called "option_type" could contain the values "American", "European", "Bermudan" and we could plot the data for each type in a separate trace dimensions: The column names used for filter dimensions. For example, we may want to filter by days to expiration and put/call The key the column name and the value is the initial value for that column. For example, in a dropdown for Put/Call we may want "Put" to be the initial value set in the dropdown. Set to None if you don't care what initial value is chosen. ''' self.xlabel = xcol if xcol not in self.labels else self.labels[xcol] self.ylabel = ycol if ycol not in self.labels else self.labels[ycol] self.zcol = zcol self.xcol = xcol self.ycol = ycol self.selection_widgets = self.create_selection_widgets_func(dimensions, self.labels, self.update) self.update()
[docs] def update(self, owner_idx: int = -1) -> None: ''' Redraw the form using the values of all widgets above and including the one with index owner_idx. If owner_idx is -1, we redraw everything. ''' select_conditions = [(name, widget.value) for name, widget in self.selection_widgets.items()] if owner_idx == -1: dim_select_conditions = [] else: dim_select_conditions = select_conditions[:owner_idx + 1] # for selecting lower widget options, use value of widgets above for name in list(self.selection_widgets.keys())[owner_idx + 1:]: widget = self.selection_widgets[name] widget_options = self.dim_filter_func(, name, dim_select_conditions) _logger.debug(f'setting values: {widget_options} on widget: {name}') widget.options = self.dim_filter_func(, name, dim_select_conditions) if owner_idx == -1: return filtered_data = self.data_filter_func(, select_conditions) transformed_data = self.transform_func(filtered_data) lines = self.stat_func(transformed_data, self.xcol, self.ycol, self.zcol) plot_widgets = self.plot_func(self.xlabel, self.ylabel, lines) self.display_form_func(list(self.selection_widgets.values()) + plot_widgets, self.debug)
# unit tests
[docs] class TestInteractivePlot(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_interactive_plot(self): np.random.seed(0) size = 1000 dte = np.random.randint(5, 10, size) put_call = np.random.choice(['put', 'call'], size) year = np.random.choice([2018, 2019, 2020, 2021], size) delta = np.random.uniform(0, 0.5, size) delta = np.where(put_call == 'call', delta, -delta) premium = np.abs(delta * 10) * dte + np.random.normal(size=size) * dte / 10 data = pd.DataFrame({'dte': dte, 'put_call': put_call, 'year': year, 'delta': delta, 'premium': premium}) labels = {'premium': 'Premium $', 'year': 'Year', 'dte': 'Days to Expiry', 'delta_rnd': 'Delta'} secy_line_config = LineConfig(secondary_y=True) ip = InteractivePlot(data, labels, transform_func=self.transform, stat_func=MeanWithCI(ci_level=95), plot_func=LineGraphWithDetailDisplay(line_configs={'put': secy_line_config}), debug=True) ip.create_pivot('delta_rnd', 'premium', 'put_call', dimensions={'year': 2018, 'dte': None})
[docs] def transform(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: np.seterr('raise') data['delta_rnd'] = percentile_buckets(np.abs(, 10) return data
if __name__ == '__main__': doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | doctest.ELLIPSIS) unittest.main(argv=['first-arg-is-ignored'], exit=False) print('done') # $$_end_code